Course Description:

Engineering Applications is the third course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will apply their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to develop solutions to technological problems. Solutions will be developed using a combination of engineering software and prototype production processes. Students will use market research, cost benefit analysis, and an understanding of the design cycle to create and present design, marketing, and business plans for their solutions. A capstone project will allow students to demonstrate their depth of knowledge of the engineering design process and prepare them for future opportunities in the field of engineering. The prerequisite for this course is Engineering Concepts.

What should you expect?

In the third course of the pathway, students will continue applying their skills and knowledge to design and build items that demonstrate an understanding of sound design principles. Students will also apply more advanced force calculations to design items taking into account static and dynamic loads. Students will use computer simulations of CAD files to analyze the design against calculated stresses. 

In addition, the students will continue to explore possible career choices in fields related to engineering. Students complete training and activities to help prepare for life after high school, including resume building, mock interviews, leadership skill development, and placement in internship opportunities.